Power Plant Site meeting planned for May 24 and online survey available all month
Former Potomac River Generating Station Property
On May 24th at 6:30 pm, Hilco Redevelopment Partners (HRP) invites the community to the fifteenth in a series of community meetings regarding the transformation of the Potomac River Generating Site (PRGS) in Old Town North. This meeting will focus on Planning for Publicly Accessible Open Spaces.
The meeting will be held via Zoom, Zoom registration link https://hilcoglobal.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_KmOh5DZDQpmcuK1YFn1ULw#/registration (After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.) The QR code below also takes you to the registration page.
The City of Alexandria and the HRP team are committed to engaging the community and obtaining feedback on this project and are working together to facilitate the best possible process to encourage public participation. For more information, please visit the City of Alexandria Website or the HRP Project Website. Please be sure to note if you require translation services at least one week in advance of the meeting (by May 17th). Ver esto en español (Spanish), ይህንን በአማርኛ ይመልከቱ (Amharic), and العربیة باللغة ھذا عرض) Arabic).
The community will have an opportunity to provide feedback via a new survey that will be open until May 31st. The survey highlights the site's proposed open spaces and the types of landscape design they could offer.. Survey link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PRGSOpenSpaceSurvey1
For more information, please visit the City of Alexandria Website or the HRP Project Website.
The Infrastructure Development Site Plan (roads and utilities) will be heard by the Planning Commission on June 6 and by the City Council at its June public hearing meeting. Visit HRPALX.com for more information.