Old Town North Projects Win Awards
Two projects in Old Town North have won awards from the Alexandria Beautification Commission. The Commission stated that the award winners "speak to the historical character and future of the City, inspire others to enhance the beauty and architecture of their properties, and help make Alexandria a creative, dynamic community."
The Muse Old Town (1201 North Royal Street) was recognized with an Excellence in Architecture Award for anchoring the Old Town North Arts District in an inviting mixed-use community that blends modern and historical materials and architecture.
Muse Old Town (1201 North Royal Street)
The Alexan Florence (400 Wythe Street) won a Commercial Beautification Award for converting the bus barn into a community featuring modern and historical elements, ecological practices, and informative plaques.
Alexan Florence, (400 Wythe Street)
About the 2023 Excellence in Architecture winners, the Beautification Commission website states that 2023 winners “implemented aesthetic improvements made through novel or creative architectural design practices. The winners also embraced a commitment to the art of architecture and sustainable design applications. All of our award winners’ efforts make Alexandria a more creative and dynamic community.”
The Commission’s website also states, “Our 2023 Commercial Beautification Award winners created more beautiful spaces through landscaping and color, have effectively utilized architectural and design elements, and have reinvented old, neglected spaces. Environmentally sustainable design practices and a commitment to ongoing maintenance were also demonstrated. These winners' efforts enhance our community and economy by reinventing underutilized property, implementing sustainable practices, and promoting a vibrant cityscape.”
The Beautification Commission advises City Council and citizens on all matters related to City beautification. The Commission’s goals are to inspire beautification through an Awards program, promote environmental sustainability through collaboration and engagement with City Council, City staff, and private organizations, and to educate the local community on beautification and best practices. For more information, or to join the Beautification Commission, visit: https://www.alexandriava.gov/Beautification#CommercialBeautificationAwardWinners