Hilco Holds Meetings in March, Project on Track for Public Hearings Q3 2024
The Hilco Redevelopment Partnership (HRP) team recently presented its latest open space plan for the Potomac River Generating Station (PRGS) site to the City’s Urban Design Advisory Committee (UDAC), which reviews development applications in Old Town North, the City’s Waterfront Commission, the City’s Parks and Recreation Commission, and to a virtual community meeting.
The HRP team discussed plans for both the waterfront and railroad corridor open spaces. It was noted that formal plans for the railroad corridor must be deferred until ownership of the property can be transferred from the current owner, Norfolk Southern, under the federal “Rails to Trails” program, which mandates transfer to a municipality or a non-profit entity such as a land conservancy or park authority.
From Hilco Presentation
Community input was essential to the open space planning. More than 800 responses were received to HRP’s survey and incorporated into Concept Two, the latest plan.
The northern portion of the waterfront is planned to include a Potomac River overlook at the National Park Service land, a woodland walk with ecological education, connections to the Mount Vernon Trail, and a new launch for personalized non-motorized watercraft. The central portion will contain an overlook, native planting garden, a shade structure and swing and a great lawn; the Mount Vernon Trail bridge will be replaced. A trellis area adjacent to the great lawn will provide a raised stage for programmed events. In the southern portion, features include a promenade, open space overlook, and an event lawn to accommodate pop-up events.
From Hilco Presentation
The plan for the railroad corridor, although not being formally submitted to the City with the rest of the open space plan, includes several features requested by the community, such as plazas, a flexible lawn space, a recreational lawn, a kids play area, fitness stations and a dog run.
Waterfront retail and restaurant spaces are prominently included in the plan, along with opportunities for passive and active uses, with activities from field sports to table games to picnics on the lawn. Sunny and shady places to gather will be scattered throughout.
From Hilco Presentation
HRP also discussed its plans for deconstruction and abatement mitigation on the site. The community will be informed in advance at every step, with provision of continued meetings, an online portal for questions and inquiries, and a 24/7 hotline for issues requiring immediate questions and concerns. Completeness drawings for the first three blocks and the open space will soon be submitted to the City, with public hearings anticipated to be scheduled with the Planning Commission and City Council in the fall of 2024. A firm start date for demolition has not been identified, but it could begin before the end of the year.
The community meeting’s Q&A session addressed preservation of existing trees, new trees, native planter certification, pedestrian access via Fairfax Street, remediation plans, lack of viability to use the river to generate hydroelectric power, and future community site visits. The meeting finished with a resident complimenting HRP team members on their attention to detail, patience, and responsiveness to the community.
Copies of this and prior presentations, as well as links to videos of all online community meetings, may be accessed by visiting: www.hrpalx.com